Dental SEO: Speed Matters! - Part 1

Published:  April 4, 2014

An Introduction to Web Page Speed for Dental Websites

In this series of four blog posts over the next few weeks, I’m going to review – from 10,000 feet – the what, when, where, and why of website speed optimization for your dental or medical website.  Notice that I left out the “how” from the traditional “5 Ws” above.”  This omission is intentional, as I want you to understand the big picture, and leave it to your web team to actually implement the changes.

Why Website Speed Matters

In the ever-competitive world of web page rankings, there are 300+ factors that go into determining a web page’s rank among the competition.  One of the less thought of considerations is that of web page loading time and speed.  Google has mentioned on numerous occasions that their primary goal in search is to optimize the user experience.  So the speed of a page, therefore, is an important consideration.

Where Does Speed Fit into the Big Picture?

If you have a webpage, “Veneer Dentist Short Hills NJ” and there is no other page on the earth about the same subject, then speed is less relevant. But if you and 5 other competitors have a page about “Veneer Dentist Short Hills NJ” and are all competing for the top few spots on the Google first page of results, then speed will become a factor.  Think about it – if Google determines that you and another competitor have great pages about “Veneer Dentist Short Hills NJ”, and your site take 10 seconds to load, but your competitors page takes 5 seconds to load – your competitors page will clearly provide the better user experience.


In the next three articles, therefore, I’m going to review the important considerations regarding website speed.  These subject will include your web host,  the content on your website, and certain plugins or programs that you can use to help speed things up.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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