Dentists and Physicians: Stop using Stock Website Content - It Hurts SEO!

Published:  August 27, 2012

I just finished evaluating a dental website and once again I saw that the dentist had the same stock content that came with the website.  Although we've all said it here many, many times in the past, the EASIEST and BEST thing you can do for your website -- and for FREE -- is to write your own content.

I'm not going to mention the name of the site, but I copied the first sentence of the "Crowns" section into a Google search and a ton of dental websites came up that had the EXACT SAME CONTENT. -- I stopped counting at 50 sites.

The take home here is that if someone does a Google search for  a dental subject and you have canned, stock content, you are competing for ranking with other dentists ((in this example, at least 50) because your text is the SAME.  If one of these 50 dentists were to change the content even just a little -- by a few words, their ranking will change.
The point is that by keeping stock content and not customizing the content, you are making SEO (Search Engine Optimization) success even more difficult because not only are you competing with other colleagues with custom content, but you are competing against the dentists who have the same content as you (because you have the same web company).
So by simply customizing your content (and even adding some more content), you can (generally) greatly improve your SEO rankings without spending a dime!  (And if you start adding NEW pages to your site like blog posts, your stile will really start to shine with all the added content).

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