14 Day Dental Website Development Plan

Your guide to what you need to know to build a new dental website (or redesign a dental website one) in 14 days.

Each one of the articles below is curated from our years of experience building websites for dentists and small businesses. You can read the articles in order, or just pick out the ones that catch your eye. You will get more out of the series, however, if you do read them in order, as some of the concepts in the earlier articles are important as foundations for later posts.

Day Article
1small business internet marketing workflowThe Dental Internet Marketing Workflow
2responsive-design 15 Top Dental Web Design Concepts You Can't Afford to Overlook
3Why Choose WordPress for Small Business, Dental and Medical Web Design
4Do You Trust Your Dentist?
5Dental Website Navigation
6Responsive Web Design for the Dental Website
7Do the colors on your website make people run?
8Always Give Instructions with Online Forms
9Someone Painted the STOP Sign Green! Now what?
10A Lawsuit? Over the Pictures on your Website?
11YouTube vs. Vimeo for Dental and Medical Video Hosting
12Top 10 Quick, Easy and Critical Website Checks Heading into 2023
13Email Account Considerations for your Dental Office
14WordPress Website Backups - Information for Dentists

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